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A Growing Trend

Updated: Mar 12, 2022

As reported by The Soufan Center IntelBrief: Cyber Attack on ICRC Jeopardizes Vast Personal Data, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has reported a massive breach encompassing the personal data of over 515,000 people. The information consisted of personal information such as “names, locations, and contact information for missing people and their families, detainees, and others.” This is one the largest data breaches to the humanitarian sector on record. Just as concerning as the scope of the breach is the fact that it happened to the ICRC at all, given the fact that according to experts, the ICRC employs strong cyber security practices. As data breaches continue to occur and grow it forces both individuals and organizations alike to question the level of security surrounding their personal data as this appears to becoming less and less something which happens to only poorly secured data, but rather to anyone not keeping up with quality cyber security practices.

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